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Space Revival - Live Light and Simple

Cluttered and disorganised environment can adversely affect your life: your health, your mood, your productivity, your relationships, your career. I can help you to reorganise and transform your space, let it be a single room, your whole home or your office environment to eliminate physical and mental clutter so you can regain control not only over your home but your life. 

I will teach you to create spaces that serve and support you, your physical and mental wellbeing. With my guidance we create a customised plan of strategies designed to maximise the potential of you and your everyday environment. 

I will be your coach, your motivator and accountability buddy to get you started on a journey and keep you on track to make you do the necessary steps in order to create a more organised, simpler yet happier and more fulfilling home and life for yourself and the people you live with.

Magazine on Tray

What to expect​

  • In-depth questionnaire to assess the the nature and the extend of your problem

  • An hour long consultation to get more clear about your pain points and find the best type of solution for you

  • Sorting through, streamlining and organising your belongings and paperworks only keeping what is truly precious and/or needed

  • Creating practical and manageable systems for all the remaining stuff to help you maintain an organised, efficient and tidy space

  • Determining storage needs and creating storage solutions

  • Room layouts - Reorganising furniture arrangements to optimise space allowing traffic and energy in your home to flow

  • Style board - Styling and accessorising with your remaining decor items and purchase new ones if needed

  • Written report with the visual aids, a product specification list of your chosen storage solutions and other items with links to the relevant suppliers

  • Decluttering and styling tips designed around your specific project



Space Revival is available both online and on-site

Virtual decluttering works best if

  • you live with a smaller amount of clutter that can be sorted out and managed by yourself

  • you prefer to do the work yourself but need expert guidance, support, motivation and accountability 

  • you are located outside of London

  • you don’t feel comfortable having a stranger in your home 

  • have limited hours in the day and require a service tailored to your needs and availability



Projects and prices are individually tailored depending on your personal needs and requirements. 

A confidentiality agreement is available so you know that no matter what I come across you have no cause for concern.

It can be combined with any of my design and styling services or with the design psychology coaching service. 


Do contact me to find the best and most suitable solution for you and your home.






If you don’t know how or where to start or may be you just need a little extra support, please read a bit more about decluttering on my blog.


If you prefer to create a long-lasting result by learning a bit about the root causes of clutter, its emotional and physical effects, different mental and practical techniques of eliminating clutter then the Reclaim Your Space, Reclaim Your Life - Home & Soul Decluttering Workshop is designed for you.


Or you can just book your free 15 minute-long Discovery Call to explore and understand how I can help you. 


Or alternatively download my free gift, the 'Home Harmony Starter Kit'. 

It will help you identify the physical and emotional weak points of your everyday environment so you can feel more aware of your needs,  likes and dislikes and how they impact your wellbeing.

Also it will give you simple and easy tips to feel more connected and grounded to your home and to get clear about your ideal home and life


Click here to download it.


Unexpected Living Design Psychology Coac

Please note: I cannot help hoarders. It is a problem that needs specialised care and support - please check out the Help for Hoarders website for more information and advice.  

Styling and Decorating - Express Yourself

You might have a newly purchased home that needs a full styling service or you already have the big pieces in place but the interior still lacks that "wow" factor and need some help with the smaller details.


Perhaps you just need a sort of design remix to refresh your space and give it a new look.


Or alternatively you are about to sell or rent your property and wish to make it more appealing and valuable for possible buyers and renters. 


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