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Home & Lifestyle Coaching -
Live Conscious and Soulful

You might find yourself feeling ‘stuck’ in your life – you feel your life is not moving forward but being stagnant, you are not achieving your goals and in general you just feel restless and somehow unhappy without even knowing why.

I too often find this reflected in our everyday environment as a result – a messy, unorganised and dysfunctional home or office. And vice versa – neglecting your immediate environment, keeping it untidy, cluttered, disorganised will eventually harm your life, your physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

You and your home (or the space where you spend most of your time) make up a dynamic system – if you and your life change, your home will change – if your home changes, your life will change.


Interior Design

My coaching method is based on my training, knowledge and skills in interior design and decoration, colour therapy and consultation, psychology and other holistic techniques, such as Theta Healing, Emotional Freedom Technique and Access Bars. 


How it works

  • We assess how your space makes you feel, how you and any other people you live with use the the space, how your current life stage, your thoughts, feelings and needs are shaping your space.

  • We can go even deeper to explore, identify and release underlaying issues, blocks through the different techniques.

  • We identify the key elements you need to work on and change both externally, on the physical level (re-design your space) and internally, on the psychological level (re-design your life).


The aim is to use the design of your physical space, your everyday environment as a tool to create self-awareness about the link between your personal issues and the issues of your space so you can make better choices both for yourself (and for the ones you live with) and for your space in order to have a happy and healthy life and home.


What to expect

In order to achieve any results I offer a package including:

  • In-depth questionnaire to clarify your pain points

  • Three one-hour long coaching sessions

  • Two follow-up e-mails after the 1st and the 2nd sessions with written report and action plan

  • Workbook

  • Ongoing e-mail support in between the sessions

  • Concept board / Mood board / Room layout if needed and relevant to your problems


Your investment: £287


Sometimes we need more time depending on the scope of the project and the changes you want to make. It is possible to invest into having more sessions at package prices (this will be tailored to your needs) or purchase extra individual sessions for £80 / session.


If you feel ready to embark on your journey, please contact me.





If you feel you need more, in-depth information about what this is and how it works, please download your free booklet. It will help you understand what Home & Lifestyle Coaching is, what the connection is between your home and your general wellbeing, how the method can help and support you and your everyday environment, what the coaching process looks like and what sort of exercises you will go through during the sessions.


Or you can just book your free 15 minute-long Discovery Call to explore and understand how I can help you. 

In any case, I advise you to get my free gift, the ‘Home Harmony Starter Kit’.

It will help you identify the physical and emotional weak points of your everyday environment so you can feel more aware of your needs,  likes and dislikes and how they impact your wellbeing.

Also it will give you simple and easy tips to feel more connected and grounded to your home and to get clear about your ideal home and life. 


Click here to download it. 

Unexpected Living Design Psychology Coac

Styling and Decorating - Express Yourself

You might have a newly purchased home that needs a full styling service or you already have the big pieces in place but the interior still lacks that "wow" factor and need some help with the smaller details.


Perhaps you just need a sort of design remix to refresh your space and give it a new look.


Or alternatively you are about to sell or rent your property and wish to make it more appealing and valuable for possible buyers and renters. 


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